Child and adolescent suicide: a longitudinal study of prevalence and risk factors

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Makasheva VA, Slobodskaya ER. [Child and adolescent suicide: a longitudinal study of prevalence and risk factors]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2014;(6):33-40. Russian


The paper examines prevalence rates and associated factors of suicidal behaviour among adolescents (up to 18 years of age) based on findings from a monitoring program being implemented in Novosibirsk region since 2007. Overall, there were 641 cases of suicidal behaviour, including 112 completed suicides. Time trends in suicide rates from 2007 to 2012 are reported, along with a focus on types of suicidal behaviour and the effects of gender and age on prevalence. Demonstrated is the importance of place of residence, psychic and behavioural problems, cognitive and personality factors, family, school and other factors. Discussed is the effect of access to suicidal means and suicide contagion, the role of Internet and media reporting of suicides, as well as precipitating and protective factors. The findings are discussed in light of evidence from contemporary studies and current knowledge of risk factors and mechanisms underlying suicidal behavior in children and adolescents. Suicide is the end-stage of a complex process that is determined by a variety of biological, psychiatric, psychological, social, and cultural factors. An understanding of their role in the dynamics of suicidal process may help to design targeted prevention programs for children and adolescents.


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