Forensic-psychological evaluation of personality orientation and impairment of social behaviour self-regulation in borderline psychic pathology
Suggested citation:
Kudryavcev IA. [Forensic-psychological evaluation of personality orientation and impairment of social behaviour self-regulation in borderline psychic pathology]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2013;(4):9-19. Russian
A new approach to expert evaluation of the measure of social danger is rationalized through the use of the repertory grids technique (RGT). A standard conventional model of moral culture was devised which relies on the notion of subjective personal values as extra-contextual motives and meanings of behaviour. The degree of proximity to the model allows to estimate the extent of deviation of the subject from conventional standards with regard to specific value parameters of the culture of normative social group. A documented provision is proposed according to which the peculiarities of the group socialization of subjects being studied reflected in the structure and content of their consciousness and self-consciousness, the nature of motivational and semantic sphere (short-term prospective goals, personal values) have a prognostic value. They allow to predict the quality of social adaptation and the rate of entry of an individual into a new work environment after compulsory treatment, to foresee whether or not he will make it in a specific organizational culture, reveal the causes of his low performance and poor adaptability. In this context they may also be used as benchmarks for targeted psychological correction of personality.
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