Affective disturbances in the structure of acute transient psychotic disorders: clinico-dynamic and prognostic aspects

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Bardenshteyn LM, Aleshkina GA, Murtazalieva DA. [Affective disturbances in the structure of acute transient psychotic disorders: clinico-dynamic and prognostic aspects]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2013;(5):27-32. Russian


A comparative study was conducted of two groups of patients with acute transient psychotic disorders without symptoms of schizophrenia (n=35, median age 30,5±10 years) and with symptoms of schizophrenia (n=35, median age 28,6±9,3 years). The aim behind this study was to explore the clinical aspects and dynamics of acute transient psychotic disorders and also to investigate the structural-dynamic relationships between the affective and psychotic symptomatology of a psychotic episode. The study involved the use of clinical and psychopathological, clinico-dynamic, psychometric and statistical methods. Considered are various aspects of psychopathology of acute transient psychotic disorders, and identified are the most commonly occurring syndromal variants of psychotic episodes. The paper provides a comparative review of structural-dynamic features of mood disorders in the context of acute of psychotic disorders. A correlation is established between the perceived stereotype of development of affective symptomatics in the course of a psychotic episode and subsequent disease relapse.


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