Surveying psychiatrists on topical issues of implementing compulsory security measures and medical treatment

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Dukorskiy VV, Skugarevskaya EI, Balashov AD. [Surveying psychiatrists on topical issues of implementing compulsory security measures and medical treatment]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2013;(6):31-36. Russian


The paper discusses the results of an anonymous survey of psychiatrists on topical issues of coersive measures of security and compulsory treatment. Involved in the study were 119 practicing psychiatrists from all regions of the Republic of Belarus, who are directly concerned with the implementation of coercive measures. The focus is on diverse points of view about different aspects of compulsory security measures and treatment: danger posed by persons with mental disorders, violence risk assessment and confidence that one’s own assessment is valid and reliable, psychiatrist’s responsibility, covert rules and the current state of compulsory treatment. More than half of psychiatrists (62%) believe that people with mental illnesses pose danger to society. According to 52,1% of physicians nobody should be held responsible for socially dangerous acts committed by an insane person while 50,4% of physicians believe that this also holds true in the case of repeated acts of violence. 47,1% of respondents note that they go by covert rules in their practice of compulsory treatment. Based on the results of questionnaire survey, techniques and procedures are considered that would go a long way towards optimizing the implementation of coercive measures of security and treatment.


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