Problem of choice for diagnostic approaches in general medical practice and therapy
Suggested citation:
Borodin VI. [Problem of choice for diagnostic approaches in general medical practice and therapy]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2013;(6):53-58. Russian
The paper explores in depth the issue that has increasingly come into focus recently of choosing medical or psychiatric care by the subject. Proceeding from the main context of present-day postpostmodern philosophy aimed at «identifying the subject» the study highlights the importance of concepts such as informed free choice of treatment, informed consent and compliance, the patient’s quality of life and the principle of trust in physicianpatient relationship and others. With regard to the principles of present-day bioethics when dealing with problems that may emerge in the course of treatment a shift in emphasis is suggested away from individual-personal sphere to the realm of intersubjectivity as well as a more proactive stance is urged for the physician to adopt in his or her relations with the patient.
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