Specific features of neurophysiological indicators in patients with nonpsychotic mental disorders with different levels of emotional excitability
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Khrulenko-Varnickiy IO. [Specific features of neurophysiological indicators in patients with nonpsychotic mental disorders with different levels of emotional excitability]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2016;(2):61-69. Russian
An analysis was carried out of clinical expressions and neurophysiological basis of emotional disorders manifested by symptoms of increased emotional excitability (EE) in patients with nonpsychotic mental disorders (NPMD), the purpose of which was to identify EEG characteristics of different variants of EE in patients with NPMD. In the studied cohort (89 persons) given the clinical characteristics and data of a number of specialized techniques of ranked description of the extent and characteristics of clinical signs of EE there were singled out 2 patient groups with high (group 1) and low (group 2) indicators of severity comparable in nosological and syndromal characteristics. Neurophysiological examination of patients was carried out using multichannel EEG in the awake resting state and activation of loads (sound) with estimation of spectral power basic rhythms. Electroencephalographic data reflect the peculiarities of functional activity of different parts of the brain associated with increased EE, the characteristics of its clinical manifestations, disease process and increase the objectivity of clinical assessment of the condition. The common nonspecific clinical and neurophysiological findings allow one to judge EE as an independent phenomenon, not always associated with psychopathological part of mental disorder. The signs of specific conditions identified by EEG that occur with increased EE can provide the basis for detection of such disorders and their early prevention in different groups at risk of developing severe emotional disorders.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24411/1560-957X-2016-1%25x
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