On justification of the most complex labor-intensive expert research

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Koroleva EV, Makushkin EV. [On justification of the most complex labor-intensive expert research]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2016;(5):18-25. Russian


A comprehensive forensic psychological and psychiatric examination is used as an example for development of some criteria of complexity of expert opinions in the initial diagnosis of mental disorders of schizophrenic spectrum manifested in adolescence, which are determined primarily by the specificity of the object of expert research. The factors that determine the occurrence of multiple diagnostic hypotheses, involving various types of expert solutions include: atypical psychopathological disorders caused by among the other early onset of the disease; the presence of psychopathological phenomena characteristic of the various forms of diseases; the primary diagnosis and the lack of information from medical records. Justification is provided for expert tactics when conducting such examinations, requiring labor input in connection with the necessity of long surveys with observation and subtle psychopathological analysis; implementation of a holistic and scientific approach that can identify pathopsychological disorders, specific mental disorders of schizophrenic spectrum.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24411/1560-957X-2016-1%25x

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