The influence of victims’ proclivity to fantasizing on their ability to testify
Suggested citation:
Kamenskov MYu, Makarova O, Lebedeva N. [The influence of victims’ proclivity to fantasizing on their ability to testify]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2017;(1):26-31. Russian
The main principle of forensic assessment of minors is in responding to forensic queries, based on the severity of mental disorders, also taking into consideration the influence of age. One of the issues, dealt with by experts, is assessing the criminal-procedural legal capacity of victims, which is influenced by age and the psychopathological factors. The article presents the clinical case of the victim, whose capacity to testify is influenced by his tendency to fantasize and by the pseudological disturbances of his thinking.
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