The age-related markers of the suicidal behavior of patients with depression spectrum disorders
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Kudryavcev IA, Krivoruchko YuD. [The age-related markers of the suicidal behavior of patients with depression spectrum disorders]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2019;(1):30-37. Russian
In this scientific review, pursuing the goal of studying the markers of suicidal behavior of patients in connection with the depression spectrum disorders, we have carried out the search of the thematically related scientific literature. We have utilized the information resources of the large systems of bibliographic indexing (Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU, US National Library of Medicine). The total number of researched publications – 23856 – has been reduced to 367 following the application of inclusion-exclusion criteria. The references include 27 of those. As a result of generalization, it has been established that manifestations of depression spectrum disorders in patients of senior age groups had been studied quite comprehensively. However, the issues of prophylaxis for suicidal tendencies do retain their topicality. This review demonstrates the importance of monitoring the critical clinical-psychological states and the disorganization of personality formations, which determine the risk for suicide; we submit the detailed account of the topicality of developing the predictors of depression in correlation with the age markers.
Keywords suicide; risk; criterion; prognosis; age; marker; psycho-diagnostics; social dangerousness; suicidal behavior
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