Clinical-economic analysis of the resources allocated for the provision of mental health care to schizophrenic patients in the Republic of Dagestan

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Aliev MA, Bukreeva ND, Kazakovcev BA, et al. [Clinical-economic analysis of the resources allocated for the provision of mental health care to schizophrenic patients in the Republic of Dagestan]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2019;(2):4-10. Russian


This original descriptive-type study pursues the goal of carrying out the medical-economic analysis of the expenditures incurred in the process of providing treatment to schizophrenic patients. It looks at data, obtained in the year 2015 in the Republic of Dagestan. The low level of direct costs is explained not just by the insufficiency of budgetary funding of the activities of psychiatric services in the Republic of Dagestan, but also by the creation of the forms of psychiatric care provision which are optimal for the population of this region, – mostly at the outpatient stage. A great part in this respect was played by the fact that psychiatric care had been made as accessible as possible, and also by the ethnocultural peculiarities of the population, which determine the high level of tolerance towards patients suffering from mental disorders.

Keywords schizophrenia; burden of disease; economics


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