Neurophysiological correlates of erotic visual stimulation in pedophilia

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Bochkarev VK, Vasil'ev NG, Kirenskaya AV, et al. [Neurophysiological correlates of erotic visual stimulation in pedophilia]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2019;(4):42-49. Russian


The original research was conducted with the goal to study the possibility of recognizing specific traits of EEG reactions on short-term interrupted erotic visual stimuli in 30 male examinees who have committed sexual acts with children. A clinical and psychopathological interview and an EEG event-related δ, θ, α, β, γ-bands power have been studied. As a result of the research the increased power of event-related δ, α-bands in the temporoparietal area was found for examinees with no paraphilias, and the increased power of event-related β-band in the frontocentral area was found for examinees with homosexual pedophilia. It is assumed, that these neurophysiological reactions reflect the content of visual erotic stimuli.

Keywords evoked EEG; rhythms; pedophilia; erotic visual stimuli


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