Psychological diagnostics of the ability of underage offenders with immature personality to organize and plan their activities
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Fedonkina AA. [Psychological diagnostics of the ability of underage offenders with immature personality to organize and plan their activities]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2019;(5):55-60. Russian
This original study pursues the objective of identifying the peculiarities in the organization of psychological activity of underage offenders for purposes of combined forensic psychological and psychiatric assessment. In this comparative study we have looked at 179 subjects. The data which we have obtained demonstrate the difficulties in organizing the activity at operational level, characteristic of adolescent offenders with immature personality; whereas these features have not been significantly pronounced in minors with mature personality. The results of this study may be applied to combined forensic psychological and psychiatric assessment for purposes of specifying the criteria for identifying the capacity of minors to consciously control their own actions at material time.
Keywords immature personality; forensic assessment; dysontogenesis; anomaly; mental development; minors; defendants
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