Fundamental legal principles for involuntary medical treatment of patients with addictions who face criminal or administrative charges

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Klimenko TV, Celinskiy BP, Igonin AL. [Fundamental legal principles for involuntary medical treatment of patients with addictions who face criminal or administrative charges]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2019;(6):25-31. Russian


This article pursues the objective of analyzing the laws and regulations applicable in cases of administering involuntary medical treatment to patients with addiction disorders. We specify the procedure for ordering and applying involuntary and compulsory treatment for persons with addiction disorders in comparative and historical aspects. We review the mechanisms used in controlling the implementation of compulsory treatment and the feasible ways to encourage this implementation.

Keywords legislation; addiction disorders; psychoactive substances; compulsory treatment; involuntary treatment


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