Psychological and psychiatric aspects of evaluation of criminal and procedural legal capaci
Suggested citation:
Tkachenko AA, Morozova MV, Savina OF. [Psychological and psychiatric aspects of evaluation of criminal and procedural legal capaci]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2014;(2):12-17. Russian
Reviewed is the relevance of differentiated investigation of all constituent elements of criminal and procedural legal capacity (CPLC) in persons with mental disorders and handicaps. Valid reasons are adduced for the importance of developing clear-cut criteria for its evaluation, which can best be implemented in the context of an integrative psychologicalpsychiatric approach since limitation of legal capacity may be due to manifestations of mental disorder or lack of intellectual and personality resources or volitional powers in the accused for exercising their rights. Analyzed in a psychological aspect are the CPLC constituent abilities and key points in their expert forensic evaluation. Identified are emotional and personality determinants for limitation of CPLC with due regard to dynamic factor.
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