The 2013 all-Russian contest “For selfless devotion in the realm of mental health” named after RAMS academician T.B. Dmitrieva
Suggested citation:
Danilova SV. [The 2013 all-Russian contest “For selfless devotion in the realm of mental health” named after RAMS academician T.B. Dmitrieva]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2014;(2):92-99. Russian
The all-Russian contest “For selfless devotion in the realm of mental health” named after RAMS academician T.B. Dmitrieva – a landmark
event for Russian psychiatry, appraises the achievements of professional and public organizations engaged in the field of mental health. The event held in the categories: “psychoeducation”, “psychorehabilitation”, “psychoknowledge”, “resettlement of people with mental disabilities”, “psychorehabilitation of children and adolescents”, “the best institution” attracts the attention of the public at large to achievements of psychiatric science and practice.
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