Clinical and psychological factors influencing self-aggressive behavior of women serving time in a correctional facility

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Shaklein KN, Bardenshteyn LM. [Clinical and psychological factors influencing self-aggressive behavior of women serving time in a correctional facility]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2016;(6):33-41. Russian


On the basis of clinical and psychological study of 298 women with self-aggressive behavior, 321 women without aggression, who is serving a sentence in a penal colony, obtained new data on the relationships between self-aggressive behavior, psychological characteristics of the individual, the severity of mental disorders and mental pathology. The authors come to the conclusion that the most significant factors influencing the self- aggressive behavior, are psychological parameters, like the propensity to suicidal actions, the level of adaptation of the individual and depressive and neurotic disorders.


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