The role of psycholinguistic methods in the diagnosis of disorders of speech and mental development in children

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Filippova NV, Baryl'nik YuB, Antonova AA, et al. [The role of psycholinguistic methods in the diagnosis of disorders of speech and mental development in children]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2016;(6):55-61. Russian


Speech development of a child and features of speech disorders at autistic disorders, mental retardation and specific speech disorders have been studied for decades by specialists of psychiatry, pedagogy and defectology both in Russia and abroad. Psycholinguistic approaches to the study of speech disorders in children with different pathologies associated with the analysis of semantic and pragmatic aspects of speech, as well as perceptive, interactive and communicative functions of communication. Existing at the moment and contained in the review foreign and domestic technique applied mainly to children of primary school age, and do not allow for the differential diagnosis of speech disorders at an earlier age periods; moreover, many techniques are not adapted for Russia. In this regard, the establishment of psycholinguistic techniques aimed for parents and for child allows for more detailed identification of a proper mental and speech disorders, and their dynamics with age it becomes even more relevant.


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