Theses submitted for defence in 2016 in scientific specialty Psychiatry and Narcology

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Trushchelev SA. [Theses submitted for defence in 2016 in scientific specialty Psychiatry and Narcology]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2017;(1):49-52. Russian


This issue of the journal completes a review of abstracts of theses submitted for defence in 2016 in the fields of Psychiatry and Narcology. Presented are expanded bibliographic entries indicating the author’s surname and initials; title of thesis; the code numbers or codes of the specialty area to which research paper is related; the name of organization where research was conducted; names and initials of academic adviser and official opponents; name of the leading organization that handed down its opinion on research paper; the cipher of the thesis board where thesis defence is to take place; year and place of publication of the abstract; number of pages; and where possible access address provided to abstract in an electronic format. All data are obtained from public sources.


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