The long-term mental disorders in adolescents after the flood
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Kolotilin GF, Tkachenko OI, Zakharova NM. [The long-term mental disorders in adolescents after the flood]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2017;(2):31-36. Russian
In the present article, based on the analysis of survey data of teen alien and native population living in the territories affected by flooding during floods in the Amur River basin in 2013. About 81% of respondents showed the development of PTSD, predominantly in the form of somatic disorders. Anxious variant of PTSD was observed only in adolescents who are indigenous to this area (Nanai). The data clearly shows the need for therapeutic and preventive measures among adolescents exposed to traumatic factors of natural disasters based on ethno-cultural characteristics.
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