To the origins of the forensic psychiatry

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Shchukina EYa, Rusakovskaya OA. [To the origins of the forensic psychiatry]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2017;(1):61-68. Russian


The article reviews the organization of forensic psychiatric examination in the first years of Soviet government. The historical context of the organization of the Centre for forensic psychiatry, named after V.P. Serbsky, is described here. The information about psychiatric service, lines of scientific investigations, legal regulations, features of the organization of forensic examination are adduced in this article. We emphasize the need for the unprejudiced analysis of objective information, such as archival data, scientific publications, and case histories in the course of studying the history and the role of the V. Serbsky Centre.


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