Epidemiology of suicide in organic mental disorders

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Vasil'ev VV, Sergeeva EA. [Epidemiology of suicide in organic mental disorders]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2017;(3):4-9. Russian


For the purpose to detection of the feature of suicide epidemiology among the persons with organic mental disorders, all cases of the complete suicides made from 2005 to 2015 by the patients with the specified pathology who were observed in the out-patient department of Republican clinical psychiatric hospital (Izhevsk) were investigated. A some of the features of suicide epidemiology at patients with these disorders was revealed: the quantitative dominance of patients with organic mental disorders among all suicidal persons with psychiatric diagnosis; twice higher frequency of suicides in comparison with the common population; by 1,5 times higher frequency of complete suicides among women in comparison of men; a slightly uneven increasing of suicide frequency according to an age; increasing of suicidal activity during the spring period and its decreasing in autumn period; more high level of suicides in non-psychotic organic mental disorders at men and in organic psychosis and dementia at women. The described results matter both for the suicidal prevention, and for the general theoretical model of suicide behavior.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24411/1560-957X-2017-1%25x

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