Medical aspects of prevention of repeated criminal behavior of convicted persons to imprisonment
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Stepanova EV, Makushkina OA. [Medical aspects of prevention of repeated criminal behavior of convicted persons to imprisonment]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2017;(2):23-30. Russian
Presents the research results of clinical-psychopathological, criminological and social characteristics of persons convicted to deprivation of liberty in respect of which the executed compulsory measures of a medical nature. A high risk of re illegal behavior given the early age of criminalization; recidiviste and severity of the crimes committed disorders. It is shown that prisoners with disorders of sexual preference in the form of pedophilia, schizophrenia spectrum disorders and mental retardation have the greatest vulnerability and lack of compensatory resources for successful adaptation to the prison environment. The data obtained indicate that coercive supervision and treatment of convicted persons must provide psychiatrists in collaboration with custodial, operational, and educational psychological services of the penal system for the timely detection of signs of increased public danger, the organization of effective prevention measures.
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