Dynamics of the general and primary incidence of mental disorders in the population of the Russian Federation aged 60 and older in 2000-2016

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Demcheva NK, Kekelidze ZI, Kazakovcev BA, et al. [Dynamics of the general and primary incidence of mental disorders in the population of the Russian Federation aged 60 and older in 2000-2016]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2017;(4):4-12. Russian


The paper presents the results of the analysis of statistical data in Russian Federation on the dynamics of prevalence and primary morbidity rate of persons aged 60 years and older in the years 2000-2016. The authors have demonstrated the growth of indicators of general and primary incidence of disorders in the population of this age in all Federal districts, the most intensive increase of indices was observed in rural areas, the most intensive growth of the primary disease, the prevalence of the diagnostic structure of the psychotic disorders and organic lesions of the brain. The authors come to the conclusion about the necessity of taking urgent organizational measures to prevent the spread of the disease on the basis of stable financial support of the territorial programs of psychiatric care.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24411/1560-957X-2017-1%25x

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