Phenomenology of siniscalchi, manifested at a later age

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Vinnikova IN, Belova MYu. [Phenomenology of siniscalchi, manifested at a later age]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2017;(4):47-52. Russian


The article presents data of clinical studies about the features elegicheskoj disorders in patients of late age. Phenomenological characteristics of these States differ in the similarity of the clinical manifestations with the true pain of somatogenic origin, rudimentarily heteronomic component, a high frequency of combined (focal and diffuse) algi. Suggested that "age pathomorphosis" cenesthesia disorders falls mainly on the involutional period, no significant frequencies in the future. With increasing age there has been a change in the location of pain and the accompanying hypochondriacal symptoms.


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