Actual clinical and psychological approaches towards problem of suicides in adolescents
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Syrokvashina KV, Dozorceva EG, Badmaeva VD, et al. [Actual clinical and psychological approaches towards problem of suicides in adolescents]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2017;(6):24-31. Russian
Modern approaches to the problem of adolescent suicides are considered in this review. The authors submit the description of the main clinical and psychological concepts of suicidal behavior and their application to adolescents and analyze the risk factors for adolescent suicides as well as their conceptualization within the framework of the presented models. The authors arrive at the conclusion that theoretical descriptions of suicide are of partial nature, and there is a need for the combined interdisciplinary approach. The authors put forward the methodological foundations for psychological modelling of the phenomenon of adolescent suicides.
Keywords suicide, suicidal behavior, self-injurious behavior, adolescents, theoretical models, clinical factors, psychological factors, risk factors, protection factors, prevention
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