The Syndrome of Dementia in the Understanding of Neurologists and Psychiatrists (methodology of diagnosis)
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Nosachev GN. [The Syndrome of Dementia in the Understanding of Neurologists and Psychiatrists (methodology of diagnosis)]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2017;(5):42-49. Russian
The article discusses the diagnostic features of the syndrome of dementia domestic neurologists and psychiatrists. The aim of the article is the comparative methodological analysis the diagnosis of the syndrome of dementia (dementia, severe cognitive disorders) neurologists and psychiatrists (General and various, principles and approaches). The discussion is based on the holistic and biopsychosocial approaches, the possibility of using interdisciplinary functional diagnosis of dementia, which reflects the expertise and methodology of each expert clinical neurosciences. A unifying theory and methodology of diagnosis of dementia the use of the concept of understanding late age with adverse aging E Makushkin. and L. Pischikovа.
Keywords neurology, psychiatry, dementia, functional diagnosis, methodology
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