The basic principles of providing medical and psychological care to victims of violence

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Zakharova NM, Milekhina AV. [The basic principles of providing medical and psychological care to victims of violence]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2017;(6):32-39. Russian


The principles and stages of providing medical and psychological care to victims of violence are presented in the review. The authors have described the main tasks facing psychologists and psychiatrists who render both urgent as well as long-term psychological and psychiatric assistance to persons, injured by violence. It has been shown that in the course of rehabilitative measures one should take into account the age, gender and individual peculiarities of victims, which determine the clinical manifestations of post-stress disorders, as well as the factors, which are important for the prophylaxis of severe mental disorders, such as the prevention of repeated psychical trauma during forensic investigation, and the victimization of the injured person. Great emphasis is maid on working with the victim’s relatives and immediate environment for purposes of improving the interaction with the victim, preventing stigmatization, as well as for therapeutic and rehabilitative purposes, as the former represent the high-risk group in terms of developing posttraumatic stress disorders, especially in cases, when violence was used against minors.

Keywords victims of violence; injured persons; medical and psychological care; psychological and psychiatric care


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