Inflammatory bowel disease and associated psychiatric disorders

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Romasenko LV, Makhov VM, Turko TV, et al. [Inflammatory bowel disease and associated psychiatric disorders]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2017;(6):40-45. Russian


Complex (gastroenterological, psychiatric) examination of 50 inpatients with inflammatory bowel diseases (32 - ulcerative colitis, 19 - Crohn's disease) has been carried out. The comorbidity of the disease has been established with mental disorders (70%) – predominantly, the affective ones, as well as personality and the schizophrenia spectrum disorders. The most severe variants of the somatic disorder (continuous course without remission, renitence to therapy) have been found to be comorbid with the endogenous mental disorders, which is primarily due to the lack of rational attitude of patients towards their somatic disease and the ensuing compliance problems; these circumstances should be taken into account in the process of treatment.

Keywords bowel diseases, inflammatory, comorbid disorders, psychiatry, medical care


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