The forensic-psychiatric aspects of homicides, committed by women with various levels of mental health
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Golenkov AV. [The forensic-psychiatric aspects of homicides, committed by women with various levels of mental health]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2016;(3):4-10. Russian
Forensic psychiatrists acknowledge the importance of considering sexual differentiation when studying criminal aggression (homicides). Aim: To compare forensic-psychiatric aspects of the homicides committed by women with various level of mental health. Methods: Representative sample of 295 forensic experts' official reports (fiducial probability of 99% and confidential interval of 4.5% for 436 females which were examined between January 1981 and December 2010) of the forensic-psychiatric examinations of female homicide offenders aged from 15 to 89 years (middle age – 37.6 ± 17.8 years) performed in Republic Psychiatric Hospital, Cheboksary (the Chuvash Republic). Three groups were pointed out: female homicide offenders without mental disorders (MD) (the first group, n=149); the women having MD and comorbid MD, but recognized imputed (the second group, n=118); female homicide offenders with major psychiatric disorders and found not guilty by reason of insanity (the third group, n=28). All cases were retrospectively examined including medical files, social demographic indicators and forensic experts' official reports. The data were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics, Pearson chi-square ( 2), one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis. Results: Women of three compared groups significantly differed in age, education level, relationship status, aggression orientations, tools of murder and a condition of intoxication/ sobriety at the time of commission of the delict. Perpetrators without MD killed the husbands (cohabitants, mates) more often, had the highest education level. Female homicide offenders from the second group had a criminal record more often, killed their acquaintances with whom they drank alcohol, more often in a state of intoxication. Women from the third group (female homicide offenders found not guilty by the reason of insanity) were the most age-related group, directed aggression on the fathers who abused alcohol, used some ways of murder. Conclusions: Female homicide offenders differ on the level of mental health which correlates with criminological and psychosocial variables.
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