Attenuated psychotic symptoms in the structure of youth depression (clinical and psychopathological aspects)
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Rumyancev AO, Omel'chenko MA, Kaleda VG. [Attenuated psychotic symptoms in the structure of youth depression (clinical and psychopathological aspects)]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2018;(1):61-70. Russian
For definition of psychopathological features, patterns of current and criteria of the forecast of juvenile depressions with attenuated psychotic symptoms it was carried out an observational study. The research included 140 patients who made two groups. The clinical group made 84 patients of youthful age (16–25 years) first hospitalized for nonpsychotic mental disorders that occur with a depressive episode, having in its structure attenuating psychotic symptoms. The follow-up group of the patients hospitalized earlier with a similar state has made 56 patients, duration of follow-up was at least 5 years. Applied clinical- psychopathological, clinicalfollow-up and psychometric methods. It has been established that attenuated psychotic symptoms in a selected clinical type has a significant pathoplastic impact on disease course for patients with juvenile depression, with different combinations of affective and psychotic symptoms in remission, social and employment status, the probability of the manifestation of psychosis and outcome.
Keywords attenuated; psychosis; symptoms; depression; mental disorders
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