Dependence on personal computer, the Internet and mobile devices, providing remote network access (clinical features, diagnostics, treatment)
Suggested citation:
Perezhogin LO, Shalimov VF, Kazakovcev BA. [Dependence on personal computer, the Internet and mobile devices, providing remote network access (clinical features, diagnostics, treatment)]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2018;(2):19-30. Russian
In these methodical recommendations we consider the theoretical and practical aspects of clinical
diagnostics, pharmacological therapy and psychotherapy of children and teenagers’ dependence on the personal computer, the Internet and the mobile devices, providing remote network access. Original tools of screening diagnostics of dependence (test and computer program) have been developed. We describe approaches to providing the psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatment.
Keywords children; adolescents; dependence; computer; Internet; network games; social networks; clinical picture; diagnosis; screening; withdrawal syndrome; treatment; prevention
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