Severe cognitive disorders in patients with alcohol dependence: Clinical polymorphism and the possibilities of phosphocreatine treatment

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Shapovalov DL, Shchukin IS, Shcherbak AN, et al. [Severe cognitive disorders in patients with alcohol dependence: Clinical polymorphism and the possibilities of phosphocreatine treatment]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2018;(3):53-60. Russian


In the controlled experiment, pursuing the goal of scientic substantaton of the efciency of phosphocreatne in the treatment of patents with alcohol dependence and severe cognitve disorders, we submit the results of the open comparatve randomized prospectve study. It has been established that phosphocreatne use increases the likelihood of decline in cognitve impairment from severe to moderate and reduces the duraton of treatment.

Keywords cognitive disorders; alcohol dependence; phosphocreatine


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