Ideas of Joseph Gislen in the development of psychiatry

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Oskolkova SN. [Ideas of Joseph Gislen in the development of psychiatry]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2018;(3):74-79. Russian


This article analyzes the contribution of Joseph Ghislain – the 19  century Belgian psychiatrist – to the various aspects of psychiatry, primarily the classification of mental disorders. It describes the theory of the single psychosis, proposed by him, and used by psychiatrists (to various degrees and in different formats) to the present day. The contribution of this scientist and practitioner to child psychiatry is described as well. The article also analyzes the extremely humane position of J. Ghislain in terms of the arrangement of psychiatric institutions, approaches to therapy and rehabilitation (considering the circumstances of the 19 century). The psychiatric legacy of J. Ghislain is, in many respects, important for contemporary psychiatry.

Keywords single psychosis; primary stimulus; phrenalgia; melancholia; mania; dementia


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