Ensuring the effectiveness of administering mandatory medical treatment in a psychiatric inpatient facility
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Makushkina OA, Buravcov KA, Berezkin AS. [Ensuring the effectiveness of administering mandatory medical treatment in a psychiatric inpatient facility]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2018;(3):25-32. Russian
Based on the results of the examination of 202 patients, predictors of prolonged compulsory treatment in a psychiatric hospital were established. These include: severe breach of conduct and critical abilities, frequent exacerbation of psychotic psychopathology, the lack of adherence to treatment, substance dependence, repetition and committing violent dangerous acts of social maladjustment in the absence of support of family and friends. The presented model of patients’ management, the application of which will improve the quality of the preventive work will help to reduce repetition of committing a dangerous action, reduce the duration of execution of compulsory measures of a medical nature. It is shown that an integral part of the system of prevention of socially dangerous behavior should be seen in the implementation of the law of the Russian Federation «On psychiatric care and guarantees of citizens’ rights in the course of its provision», providing the measures of social support for persons with mental disorders in the form of social assistance and assistance in employment; aiding the social and domestic adaptation of disabled persons.
Keywords mental disorder; social danger; hazardous action; compulsory treatment; prevention of dangerous actions
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24411/1560-957X-2018-1%25x
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