Nonpsychotic mental disorders in patients with various levels of emotional excitability
Suggested citation:
Khrulenko-Varnickiy IO. [Nonpsychotic mental disorders in patients with various levels of emotional excitability]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2016;(3):46-52. Russian
Conducted an in-depth study of emotional disorders, the purpose of which was to identify clinical and psychopathological characteristics of different options conditions of increased emotional excitability (EE) in patients with non-psychotic mental disorders (NPMD). The objective of the present piece of work was to establish clinical factors, particularly the factor of mental trauma affecting the formation of the manifestations of EE in different groups of patients with NPMD. In the studied cohort (89 persons) with respect to clinical characteristics and data of a number of specialized techniques ranged describe the extent and characteristics of clinical signs of EE were allocated to 2 groups with high (group 1) and low (group 2) indicators of severity comparable in nosological and syndromal characteristics. The basis of the research complex made up of clinical psychopathological method, supplemented by a specially designed individual card and specialized clinical and psychological questionnaires to assess the severity and forms of frustrated reactions and aggression. Targeted analysis in the studied groups were subjected to previous and current stressful events. Identified two groups of clinical factors, to varying degrees, associated with manifestations of emotional excitability in patients with NPMD and influencing its development: a group or predisposing factors "soil" and a group of external adverse influences, stressful events. Found that particular emotional response, clinically manifested by symptoms of increased EE almost throughout the range of NPMD are not and syndrome - nonspecific, independent phenomenon, only wcreplays in different syndromes that affect their design and, consequently, treatment and prognosis.
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