Patient-oriented and participatory approaches to improve patient relationships with healthcare providers

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L'vova DP, Khal'fin RA, Syrcova LE, et al. [Patient-oriented and participatory approaches to improve patient relationships with healthcare providers]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2018;(5):10-18. Russian


The article presents the possibility of using patient-oriented and participatory approaches to improving the relationship between patients and health care workers, based on the integrated marketing methodology, developed by the authors for identifying, analyzing and using the points of contact (interaction) of the patient and the doctor. The detailed algorithm of the method and results of its testing in the medical and prophylactic institution of the city of Moscow are also described. We have surveyed 600 participants, with 83% of subjects submitting their responses to us. We have formed 11 groups based on the 163 points of contact between medical specialists and patients. We have evaluated their significance and degree of implementation.

Keywords methodology; participatively; patientorientated; point of contact; relationships; patients' needs; application capabilities


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