Combined psychological and psychiatric evaluation of criminal procedural capacity of underage defendants with mental disorders
Suggested citation:
Badmaeva VD, Dozorceva EG. [Combined psychological and psychiatric evaluation of criminal procedural capacity of underage defendants with mental disorders]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2018;(3):33-39. Russian
In order to improve the methodology of combined psychological and psychiatric assessments of adolescents, in this review we submit an approach to the expert evaluation of criminal procedural capacity of underage defendants with mental disorders. This review analyzes the legal norms, pertaining to the criminal procedural capacity of underage defendants, contained in the Russian legislation. A differential psychological-psychiatric evaluation of criminal procedural incapacity in underage defendants is presented here. We describe the clinical and psychological phenomena, which are relevant to procedural incapacity, depending on a variety of spectra of mental pathology. The authors suggest an algorithm for expert decision making through evaluating mental disorders in underage defendants, which have an impact on their criminal procedural capacity.
Keywords клинические факторы; несовершеннолетие; обвиняемые; психические расстройства; психологические факторы; уголовно-процессуальная дееспособность/недееспособность
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