Medical-social factors in developing mental disorders in women, infected by the human immunodeficiency virus
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Kachaeva MA, Gruzdeva AV. [Medical-social factors in developing mental disorders in women, infected by the human immunodeficiency virus]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2018;(6):35-40. Russian
This observational study registered all data focusing on the specific phenomenon, pursuing the objective of researching the influence of medical-social factors on the development of mental disorders in HIV-infected women; it has established that emergence of mental disorders is influenced by both clinical and social factors. However, the definitive part in the development and course of mental disorders was played by the negative experiences of early childhood, violence and cruelty towards women, and the asocial behavior of the women themselves as well as their partners.
Keywords mental disorders; HIV infection; social factors
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