Clinical peculiarities of psychosomatic relationships in ulcerative colitis
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Romasenko LV, Makhov VM, Parkhomenko IM, et al. [Clinical peculiarities of psychosomatic relationships in ulcerative colitis]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2018;(5):38-44. Russian
In this article we submit a clinical vignette for purposes of discussing the clinical and diagnostic problems which hamper the effectiveness of treating patients with ulcerative colitis and comorbid chronic mental disorders. We submit new data, pertaining to the nature of the psychosomatic and somatopsychic interrelationships, which determine the priority approaches toward organizing the therapeutic-prophylactic activities and the rehabilitative interventions across the sequential stages in the development of disorders within the framework of the interdisciplinary approach. Evidence was obtained in support of the part played by disturbances of compliance in patients with serious mental disorders as the predictor of unfavorable prognosis.
Keywords inflammatory bowel diseases; comorbidity; mental disorder; medical care; interdisciplinary approach
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