Medical and social features of adolescents who committed crimes against the person

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Sakharov AV, Klinova MA, Stupina OP, et al. [Medical and social features of adolescents who committed crimes against the person]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2018;(5):29-37. Russian


In this descriptive retrospective study, pursuing the goal of researching the medical and social characteristics of adolescents, who had committed offences against the person, we have analyzed 869 reports, compiled by the outpatient forensic-psychiatric committees examining minors. We compiled the sample containing 152 assessments in cases of offences against the person. We have established that the adolescents in Zabaykalsky Territory, who had committed crimes against the person, have significant medical and social peculiarities. In the course of outpatient forensic-psychiatric assessment of these examinees in 84.8% of cases we have identified the presence of mental disorders, predominantly, – the organic personality disorder, the personality disorders of emotionally unstable type, the socialized behavioral disorder, and mild mental retardation.

Keywords adolescents; aggression; crimes; forensic psychiatric expertise


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