Development of the general model of self-regulation in forensic psychiatry. Paper 2. Inner speech as a mechanism for recoding sense and reference
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Tkachenko AA, Demidova LYu. [Development of the general model of self-regulation in forensic psychiatry. Paper 2. Inner speech as a mechanism for recoding sense and reference]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2018;(6):17-26. Russian
The aim of this review is to clarify the mechanism that determines the emergence of self-consciousness. It is shown that the consciousness is a meta level of mental reflection and it appears while speech development in social context. The transformation of external, expanded forms of verbal communication into short, condensed inner speech marks the emergence of human mind itself, the junction from a mental image to a thought. The inspiring, control and evaluative functions of natural speech are internalized in the process of development and after that provide an internal activity regulation. The role of inner speech in understanding, good sense, motivation and voluntary control is revealed. It is explained how the inner speech becomes a link between the nature of the subject and the social world.
Keywords inner speech; thinking; self-consciousness; sense; sign; self-regulation; information exchange
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