Dynamics of suicide rates in European post-socialist countries
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Polozhiy BS. [Dynamics of suicide rates in European post-socialist countries]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2015;(1):39-42. Russian
Social changes in society relate to factors that influence the population suicide rate. The goal of this study was to review the dynamics of suicide rate in the 15 former socialist countries of Europe that have changed their sociopolitical system in the late twentieth century. The majority of post-socialist countries during their 20–25 years of existence in a new status have seen decreased rate of suicides (most significantly in Hungary – 1.8 times, Slovenia – 1.6 times, Estonia – 1.5 times). There were established two variants in positive dynamics of suicide rates. The first was characterized by increased rates of suicide in the early years of reform and subsequent decline to a lower current level. This group comprised predominantly the former Soviet republics, where the transitional period was fraught with significant social and economic difficulties. The hallmark of the second variant was a continuous drop in the suicide rate. It prevailed in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe where transition to a market economy proceeded under more favorable conditions.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24411/1560-957X-2015-1%25x
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