Limited criminal procedural competence in accused persons with personality disorders

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Gorinov VV, Korzun DN, Samylkin DV, et al. [Limited criminal procedural competence in accused persons with personality disorders]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2020;(4):49-57. Russian


In a single-stage retrospective study, 74 male examinees accused in criminal cases were examined in order to identify phenomena that are significant for the forensic psychiatric assessment of limited criminal procedural capacity. Two groups of subjects with high and low levels of pathocharacterological traits were identified by cluster analysis (using the k-means method) using the parameters of the IPDE questionnaire. The accused with a high level of pathocharacterological traits revealed psychological phenomena that indicate impairment of the target level of regulation, which can serve as the basis for forensic psychiatric assessment of limited criminal procedural capacity.

Keywords personality disorder; criminal procedural competence; mental disabilities; self-regulation; goal-setting; decision-making


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