Qualitative clinical and psychological characteristics in the system of assessment of aggressive criminal behavior and social dangerousness of persons with mental disorders
Suggested citation:
Makushkin EV, Morozova MV, Savina OF. [Qualitative clinical and psychological characteristics in the system of assessment of aggressive criminal behavior and social dangerousness of persons with mental disorders]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2020;(5):56-66. Russian
In this problem article, in order to improve, differentiate and individualize expert assessments of aggressive criminal behavior of persons with mental disorders based on the integration of clinical, pathopsychological, psychological, and situational factors, weak zones in the structure of arbitrary regulation, characteristics of its violations, and targets for expert analysis are identified. While maintaining the basic orientation to the European paradigm, the possibility of using certain diagnostic resources of the North American classification of mental disorders in expert practice is discussed. A projection of significant, in the authors' opinion, socio-psychological and clinical criteria of the DSM-5 on the expert analysis of criminal aggressive behavior of the considered contingent was carried out.
Keywords combined psychological and psychiatric forensic assessment; classification of mental disorders; integrative approach; system of expert assessment; criminal activity regulation
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24411/1560-957Х-2020-10506
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