World practice of using preventive programs, aimed at reducing cyber-violence in school environment
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Perezhogin LO, Badmaeva VD, Makushkin EV, et al. [World practice of using preventive programs, aimed at reducing cyber-violence in school environment]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2020;(4):63-70. Russian
The review contains the analysis of domestic and foreign literature, which was carried out in order to study approaches to the prevention of cyber violence among schoolchildren. In the process of screening and ranking of sources, the principles of cyberbullying prevention and two categories of the most effective prevention programs were identified. The first category of programs is aimed at a wide range of participants, including both children and adolescents of various age groups, without gender differences, and their family members. The second category is represented by programs that focus on small groups of schoolchildren considering age and sexual characteristics and other factors, including social, economic, and cultural influences.
Keywords Internet; children; teenagers; school; violence; information environment; cyberbullying; prevention
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