Social orphanhood: clinical and epidemiological aspect

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Bodagova EA, Govorin NV. [Social orphanhood: clinical and epidemiological aspect]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2020;(6):93-99. Russian


In a continuous one-stage observational study, 240 children from seven orphanages were examined in order to conduct a clinical and epidemiological analysis of the mental health status of children left without parental care. Analysis of the study showed the presence of mental disorders in 73% of children, among which the leading place (26%) is occupied by socialized behavior disorder (F91.2). Almost every other pupil of the examined orphanages has behavior disorders (60%) in the form of aggression, negativity, vagrancy and suicidal behavior. 16% of pupils committed illegal actions. It is also noted that children have anxiety, depression of various levels and accentuations of the character of hyperthymic, demonstrative types.

Keywords children left without parental care; mental disorders; behavioral disorders


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