Impairment of the operational level of self-regulation in individuals with personality disorders
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Shekhovcova ES, Bulygina VG. [Impairment of the operational level of self-regulation in individuals with personality disorders]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2020;(5):47-55. Russian
In an empirical study aimed at determining the operational level of self-regulation in defendants with personality disorders, a new tool for assessing the characteristics of a situational analysis was included in the diagnostic complex. The methodological package includes a new diagnostic tool for evaluating the characteristics of situational analysis. The symptom complex of psychological characteristics was highlighted, reflecting violations of the operational-technical level of self-regulation. In the genesis of criminal behavior, most important are intolerance of uncertainty, inadequacy of the interpretation of the situation, and a lack of social orientation of prognosis. Prognostically significant characteristics of situational analysis and operational level of self-regulation in assessing the degree of dysregulation of behavior in a criminal situation are highlighted in this article.
Keywords personality disorder; self-regulation; dysregulation; criminal behavior; situational analysis
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