Peculiarities of the way in which children’s anamnesis data is given by their parents who suffer from chronic mental disorders
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Rusakovskaya OA, Golubev SA, Andrianova SB, et al. [Peculiarities of the way in which children’s anamnesis data is given by their parents who suffer from chronic mental disorders]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2020;(5):74-82. Russian
In this original descriptive study, the original history questionnaire was used to assess how parents with mental disorders present their child's anamnestic information. We have examined 30 parents who are currently under outpatient psychiatric observation: 20 mothers and 10 fathers. We have shown that the majority of parents living in the same household with their child are sufficiently informed about the state of their child's health, the pace of his/her psychomotor development, and activities preferred by the child. Mothers were found to be better informed about matters pertaining to the education of their children, than fathers. We point out some qualitative aspects of the way the questionnaires had been filled out. We also discuss the possibilities for the application of this questionnaire in practice.
Keywords child’s anamnesis; anamnestic questionnaire; mentally ill parents; forensic assessment in cases parenting litigation
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