Comparative analysis of clinical and social characteristics of women with organic personality disorder who committed and did not commit offenses
Suggested citation:
Kachaeva MA, Kharitonova NK, Shport SV, et al. [Comparative analysis of clinical and social characteristics of women with organic personality disorder who committed and did not commit offenses]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2021;(1):37-46. Russian
In this descriptive retrospective study 102 women with organic personality disorder who underwent a forensic psychiatric examination in connection with the commission of criminal offenses, as well as 50 women with a similar psychiatric diagnosis, but without a criminal history, were examined. Among the most criminogenic social factors were identified unfavorable conditions of upbringing and living, low level of education, unemployment, antisocial environment, subjectively significant psychogenic and traumatic events, the source of which is common conflicts within the family. Severe cognitive impairment (along with the presence of emotional-volitional disorders), besides the presence of unfavorable social factors, determined the expert decision on insanity in women with a criminal history.
Keywords organic personality disorder; women; criminal behavior; crimes; forensic-psychiatric evaluation
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