The problem of therapy-resistant depressive disorders in the practice of addiction medicine

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Polyanskiy DA, Kozhinova TA, Shein VV. [The problem of therapy-resistant depressive disorders in the practice of addiction medicine]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2021;(1):73-81. Russian


This scientific review, pursuing the objective of studying the problem of protracted and treatment-resistant depressive disorders in addiction patients, presents information and research results of domestic and foreign authors on this issue. Failure to provide adequate treatment with available therapy methods to a certain proportion of patients suffering from depressive disorders alongside addictions, as well as absence of outpatient support, which could aid in finding the optimal treatment, in the course of time lead to the development of resistance to therapy in these patients. The topicality of the problem of studying therapy-resistant depressions in the practice of addiction medicine is undeniable, in this regard, there is an urgent need for new approaches and methods of treatment to solve it.

Keywords depressive disorder; addiction disorders; resistance to therapy


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